Helping teachers find resources to better their lives in the classroom and out.


Welcome, and thanks for checking out my blog. I want to give a shout out for teachers. Your job can be tough and is often overlooked. I know. I've been there. I spent over ten years in the classroom. I love teaching, but I've taken a break to pursue some other interests for a time. I have a bachelor's degree in elementary education and a master's degree in reading specialist. 

I started this blog as a way to help teachers who may feel as overwhelmed and over-busy as I felt while I was teaching. I felt like all I did was school: grading, emails, planning, preparing, etc. Little time was left for things I needed or wanted to do, like exercising, or writing, or reading something other than kids books and educational research. My first post, which I should probably just move over to this "About" section someday, tells more about my journey from classroom teacher to educational technology assistant (my current title for which I earn a paycheck). This blog is for all teachers--public school, private school, and home school. My hope is you will find some resources to make all the not-so-fun teacher stuff easier, so you can spend more time doing what you enjoy, in the classroom, and out.

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